Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Proposal for S.O.S (Scrub Our School!!!)

Executive Summary:

                We all love our school, and to show just that we should all help to clean it. Even though there are trash cans in every hallway and just about every classroom, people still choose to through their trash where they please. Also, since teachers have multiple classes the desks are shared between at least 6 people. After a week, those desks get really dirty. I think it would be a good idea if we could get some people to sign up and stay after school to clean the classrooms and pick up trash that might be floating around the court yards.


                This project would only take about an hour to do so if we had enough people sign up.  This clean up will be planned on Thursday, the 13th of January. We would need cleaning supplies, such as 409 cleaner, paper towels and trash bags. This project could really benefit our school, the kids that attend it and the staff that works it. Parts of the school that is more commonly touched will be clean which could result in less people getting sick.


                What we plan to do is clean desks, pick up trash floating around the school and to take out teachers garbage’s that are full. A list of teachers will be available at a later date. This project will be planned on Thursday, the 13th of January and is opened to any volunteers. We plan for this to go on just an hour after school.


                There will be a list on which volunteers can sign up. If we get enough people to sign up then it should take that much time after school; only about an hour. Many teachers would appreciate this because if we don’t do it then they will probably have to do it themselves. They really don’t have that kind of time on their hands. Also, we not only would be benefiting the teachers, but everyone else. By cleaning we cut down on the spread of germs and sicknesses, causing less people to be out sick. The only foreseen problem is that not enough people will volunteer and the project will take longer than expected.


                We will know our project has succeeded when we have clean desks, court yards and happy teachers. Later, when the project is over, we plan to go around to all the teachers and ask for their feedback on the results. From that we could make improvements for next time.


                We will be working in the classroom of the teacher that wants their room to be cleaned. Cleaning supplies will be supplied as well as garbage bags. Anyone is welcomed and encouraged to help out on this cleaning projected.


                This project should take about an hour after school and will only be held for one day. Cleaning, taking out trash and whatever the teacher may ask the volunteer to do for them will be the only things that will be done. We hope to have people sign up for this project starting tomorrow until the following Wednesday. The actual project will be held Thursday, the 13th of January.


                This project should be relatively coast free, apart from the cleaning agents used and the paper towels. Time is the only thing we are asking the volunteer to give up.


                We believe this project to be worthwhile because we are not only benefiting the staff of Aviation High, but also its student body. By clean surfaces that most of us touch on a regular basis we are prevent the spread of germs and sickness. Again, anyone and everyone is welcomed and encouraged to sign up.

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