Monday, December 13, 2010


An idea Cole and I had to help improve our school is to clean it. We were planning on having the Friday after we get back from break, January 7th to be the day to do this. We plan to talk to some teachers tomorrow to find out who would like help cleaning their classrooms. I will update on a later date to state who takes us up on this offer.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


On Tuesday of last week, November 2, I helped Jenny out with a project by cleaning parts of the school. I, along with AJ, wiped down all of Mr. Wards desks and chairs. I also help in Mr. Savishinsky's room by clipping up the computer wires so that kids can't pull them down with their feet.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Other Projects

Project Ideas
  • Flowers
Co-Leaders:  Cole and Anna
  • Toy Drive
Co-Leaders:  Cole and Anna

I am also looking for anyone who may need help on their own project. Just comment my post and I'll get back to you.

Project Pansy! 4

Yesterday, Cole and I went to Ferny's Nursery to present to them the letter Mrs. Fitz had written. In the letter she asked if they would be able to donate flowers and dirt to our cause. The woman, who assisted us, informed us that she would give the letter to the office and they would get back to us shortly. Hopefully, they will call within the next week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Project Pansy! 3

Driving Forces:
  • The school will look prettier
  • The flowers add color to a non-colorful school
  • The flowers might lighten someone’s day
  • When Ferny's Nursery responds to our E-Mail
  • Money
  • How many flowers the Nursery decides to give us
  • Transportation of the flowers/dirt
  • Flowers could die
  • Flowers could be distracting
  • Maintaining the care for the flowers
  • Some people might not enjoy the flowers
  • People might pick the flowers
  • Seeing the benefits of the flowers

One barrier that we might face is money. Ferny's may not choose to donate to us what we have asked for and we might very well face a problem with collecting money. The flowers are fairly inexpensive but the new dirt that we would like to get to plant the flowers in may cost a pretty penny. We have thought of two ideas to get over this bridge if we come to it.

Our first idea is to have a candy sale. Everyone likes candy, and if they don't, there is something strange going on with them. It's an inexpensive food that everyone loves now and then. If we came to the point where we had to have a candy drive, we would probably sell during lunch, but we would make further plans on this. Our backup plan, if the candy drive doesn't work out, we would plan to have a donation. But this is just a backup plan, and again we would make further plans on this two ideas if we were to come to it.


If we do get the donation from Ferny's Nursery, then the transportation of all the flowers and dirt would be a small problem to address. If we receive what we asked for, then we would have to transport 12 Pansy's, 6 Mums and 2 bags of dirt. This is a little much to carry, so a car would be a GOOD idea to think about.

One option is to have my father, drive us after school let out, to the Nursery, and then pick up the flowers. That is a very practical way to pick up all the donations. If that idea were to fall through, then one other option would be to have one of Cole's parents take us to the Nursery. We would have to ask them if they were free, but I'm thinking my father would have no problem with giving us a ride.

Maintaining the Care and Up Keeping of the Plants:

To maintain the flowers will plan to plant in the front of the school, we will create a care sheet. We plan to water the flowers everyday it does not rain, so that the dirt never fully dries out, and to pick the weeds that may attempt to grow around the flowers. If we do these two things often enough, we may be lucky to see them live through the winter. Though they are winter Pansy's, we are going to have to treat them kindly if we wish for them to live through the snow and downfall of rain.

The winter snow, if it chooses to snow, may be harsh on the flowers, and may end up killing them. We have two ideas as to how to keep the flowers warmer through the long winter season. One is to put mulch around the perimeter of the flowers. The mulch could be fallen leaves from trees, which we could get free. Another idea would be to keep the flowers closer to the building. That way they would stay warmer.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Project Pansy! 2

Well, I talked to our advisor, Mrs. Fitz, today and she is planning on emailing Ferneys Nursery tonight. We should get a response sometime this weekend, which sets our end date back just a bit, but all will work out. We plan on getting the flowers Monday or Tuesday, and then planting them a day later, when school lets out. Those Mums and Pansy's will make the front of the school a beautiful entry way! Can't wait!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Project Pansy!

How would you feel if there were, planted at the front entrance of the school, BEAUTIFUL flowers, Pansy's and Mums, to be exact. My partner, Cole, and I are working on this very idea. Our vision is to have a beautiful walk way into the school. Last Tuesday, we had a little adventure down to Ferny’s Nursery and talked about our plan for the school to workers there. A lady there told us that they could possibly donate to us. HOPEFULLY, it works, but if not we have some back up ideas. We had our mentor, Mrs. Fitz, email Ferny’s and ask for their donation of the flowers. We hope to get an email back tomorrow. I'll keep you posted on our advances. We are aiming to have those beautiful flowers planted by next Monday and will then make a plan as to how to care for them throughout the winter season.